Friday, December 18, 2009

Do Cats Get Jet Lag?

Hard to tell, since cats mostly sleep during the day anyway. This is where I found them when I got home from work today. That is my desk chair that they have thoughtfully warmed for me to plant my backside after walking home in the brisk winter chill. (Well, chilly for here in Japan. I imagine the 39 degree wind chill would be golfing weather in Michigan.)

It is nice to have the cats around the house after a five month separation. They wasted no time in making themselves right at home by immediately resuming their positions as heads of the household and quickly whipping their human servants into place. They spared no effort in getting Kathy to resume her role as designated reader. After all, they do have a lot of literary catching up to do.

As for the heroic transporter of said cats, I haven't seen much of her since she walked through the portal at Narita Airport. She seems to be on a different schedule from the rest of us. But that is very understandable given not only the 14-hour time zone difference, but also the frenzy of activity leading up to her long trip across the wide ocean. We do expect that she will eventually be awake during actual daylight hours...probably just in time to suffer through it all over again after her return trip to the States at the end of the month. Would not count on her to be the life of any New Years Eve parties this particular year.


Anonymous said...

Jeez, and I just booked my plane ticket to DC.

kate said...

Things are improving by the day. I slept until 5 a.m. this morning. I think I need more coffee. Also, I am rarely the life of any party.

Mike J. Krentz said...

I recall a couple of wedding parties... But all things are relative. Anyway, turnabout will be fair play when I visit D.C. in January and fall asleep in my pasta at Sorrento...assuming we get to do that again.