DoK's Fiction Works


Book 1 of the FLAGSHIP! Series

A senior naval aviator/single mother at the pinnacle of her career deploys in a Navy flagship as director of operations for the 7th Fleet. She confronts a cross-fire of military and personal challenges.

As she works to defuse the threat of war in the western Pacific, her rebellious teenage son is beguiled by a mysterious Internet predator. Her son  acts out, forcing her to re-evaluate life choices and to face personal demons from an abusive childhood and toxic relationships. When the specter of her destroyed marriage  threatens to take her son, she brings to bear her aviator instincts and combat-honed courage in a desperate battle more dangerous than combat.

 Available at Amazon Kindle, iTunesKobo, and Barnes and Noble Nook 

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Book 2 of the FLAGSHIP! Series

When international confrontations threaten the stability of the Western Pacific from the South China Sea's Spratly Islands to the Korean Peninsula, a senior naval officer faces the most daunting challenges of her rising career. Thousands of miles away in California, her deranged ex-husband battles for custody of their disaffected teenage son, while her professional confidante and erstwhile lover struggles with his own personal demons. The Western Pacific conflict heats up when a routine reconnaissance flight becomes prey to a nefarious deal between the U.S. Fleet's most powerful adversaries. The young Navy pilot conducting that flight finds herself in a military and personal crucible that will test the deepest fibers of her courage.

Available now on AmazoniTunesNook and Kobo.

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Book 3 of the FLAGSHIP! Series

The third book of the FLAGSHIP! Series follows 7th Fleet action from Japan (“The Land of the Rising Sun”) to Korea (“The Land of the Morning Calm).The fleet staff reacts to dual threats from the vicious North Korean regime. A biological attack against South Korea fuels Captain Kate Mahoney's efforts to locate and rescue Lieutenant Commander Cricket Squire, held captive in North Korea after her reconnaissance aircraft was shot down over hostile seas. As military doctors labor to mitigate the terrorist-driven disease in the South, Kate leads a carrier battle group that hastens to the Yellow Sea to cripple North Korea’s military will and repatriate Cricket Squire. At the same time, Kate faces renewed threats to her life and career over a past toxic relationship that rises up to haunt her. Armed with the personal courage and endurance that came to fore in prior crises, and drawing on assistance from unexpected quarters, the intrepid fleet warriors fly into the faces of danger -- risking life and love in a series of daring combat and personal sorties that will remake their lives and the stability of the Korean Peninsula -- one way or another.

Available now on AmazoniTunesNook and Kobo

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