Tuesday, November 2, 2010

"Turiku Turito"

Sunday evening's invasion of the Yokosuka Navy Base did not make international or even national news. Nevertheless, thousands of disguised, bag-totting nihon no kodomo and their parents traipsed all the way from the main gate to our Gridley Lane address in order to threaten us with "turiku" if we did not cross their palms with "turito":

They came in large groups:

And smaller groups:

Some earned single billing:

Some came as traditional American invaders:

While others emulated Japanese pop culture icons:

They relished American food:

And then, with a hearty "Hoppee Haroweeno," they were gone.

Leaving us to ponder the wonderful cultural interchange we'd just experienced, and what to do with all that leftover American candy...


Sebastian said...

You had leftovers? Our older kids had passed all that we had by the time we came back with the youngest. Though at least it lasted more than the hour that we stayed in business last year.

Mike J. Krentz said...

We overbought after the A Team ran out early last year. Some method to that madness in that spouse held back the good stuff in case it got left over.