The primary mission of the forward deployed naval force -- indeed any forward deployed force -- is to win the peace in world places where potential troublemakers might prey on weaker neighbors.
We picture power projection as military hardware: ships, airplanes, missiles, guns; and as warriors -- men and women prepared to fight for peace; and those who support them, such as doctors, lawyers, logisticians and chaplains.
While military might can deter aggression, that power alone will never win a lasting peace. Enduring peace and security are brokered by the men and women who win hearts and minds, one encounter at a time, over the long haul. Humanitarian missions such as Pacific Partnership earn media recognition for extending the hands of peace to people at risk of adopting terrorism or succumbing to totalitarian despots.
Less often hyped, but just as effective, are the professional musicians and singers who perform in fleet bands around the world. Sailors first, these dedicated artists also bring unique and varied musical talents to the cause of international peace. Music doth have charm, not only to soothe the most savage of beasts but also to touch the hearts and souls of diverse peoples. Music also motivates, and boosts the morale of entire armies and navies.

Their repertoire extends well beyond martial music. Many Americans would gladly pay good money to hear these talented professionals perform. If I found myself overwhelmed or discouraged in my duties on the flagship, a chance to hear the band always buoyed me up.
As we move beyond another anniversary of the tragedy of 9/11, and we suffer the current world upheaval over despicable "art," I invite you to take a moment, sit back, relax, and enjoy the special talents of the 7th Fleet Band in the following clips:
Navy Friendship Day
Navy Friendship Day 2
7th Fleet Band with Yokosuka Symphony
Band in Fukuoka
Band in Cambodia
Check out their website as well.
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